Unfortunately we doesn't speak
- Naše štěňátka Andromeda,
Atlanta, Aphrodite a Achilles již mají své nové skvělé
páníčky a zabydlují se ve svém novém domově. Andorrka zůstává
doma a bude dělat společnost mamince Heidy a kamarádce Kony.
Achilles in new home . |
Andromeda in new
home |
- 18.4.2006 se nám
narodilo 7
- 2 černé fenky
- 1 černý pejsek
- 3
skvrnité fenky
- 1 skvrnitý pejsek
- Here is the result. Today
We visited vetherinary for ultrasound and
our Heidy is pregnant. The puppies should
be born about 15.04.2006, the vetherinary
told, that more than 5 pupies should be
born. We cross fingers to goes everything
- On
15.02.2006 We crossed our Heidy. She
liked Diesel a lot.
- On the end
of January 2006 We prepare connection of
our female Adelheide with excellent
spotted male Diesel Claudia
Bohemica cs, breeding quality Eu